Discover the Levers to Engage Identified and Unidentified Users


In today's digital landscape, understanding and leveraging the value from identified website visitors and anonymous visitors is crucial for modern marketers. At Swayware, we've developed a robust solution to maximize the potential of these user segments, helping you drive more effective marketing campaigns.

Identified Users: Deep Insights and Personalized Engagement

Swayware enhances your ability to engage with identified users through:

1. Person-Level Data: Access detailed insights into individual user interactions with your products, such as their email, name, job title, and LinkedIn profile etc and For example, if a user frequently visits a particular product page, you can send them tailored recommendations and offers based on their interests.

2. Company-Level Data: Obtain comprehensive information on potential contacts within a company, including company name, revenue, and industry. If Swayware identifies a company but not the specific person, it provides data on potential contacts within the company who might be the right person to engage with.

3. Advanced Filtering and Integration: Our platform offers sophisticated filters, search capabilities, and sync data to tools like HubSpot, Salesforce and other CRMs allowing you to streamline and optimize your marketing efforts.

4. Personalized messaging: Create tailored communications that address the specific interests and needs of each identified user, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

5. Dynamic UI: Customize the user interface dynamically based on the identified user's profile and behavior. Display personalized content and offers on your website when a known user logs in, enhancing their user experience and driving engagement.

Unidentified Users: Intelligent Targeting and Personalization

Unidentified users, while initially anonymous, hold significant value. Swayware's capabilities for anonymous users include:

1. Enhanced Intent Classification: With advanced machine learning and customer-defined metrics, we accurately gauge user intent to tailor your engagement strategies.

2. Visitor Re-targeting: Configure re-targeting experiences to personalize future visits based on previous anonymous interactions, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

3. Dynamic UI: Offer In-Session marketing to users who show a high likelihood of making a purchase, driving immediate conversions.

Swayware is designed to be the bedrock of a successful and effective marketing strategy. We have built a top-tier data driven marketing platform. By choosing Swayware, you gain deeper insights into customer behavior, enhance your team's efficiency, and drive personalized marketing strategies.

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